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Predsednik Pahor na delovnem obisku pri ukrajinskem predsedniku Porošenku

Lviv, Ukrajina, 14. 11. 2015 | sporočila za javnost, izjave

Predsednik Pahor na delovnem obisku pri ukrajinskem predsedniku Porošenku

Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor se je danes v Lvivu v Ukrajini sestal s predsednikom Ukrajine Petrom Porošenkom. 

Predsednika sta se pogovarjala o varnostnih izzivih tako v luči aktualnih razmer po sinočnjem terorističnem napadu v Parizu, kot tudi o položaju na Vzhodu Ukrajine. Predsednik Porošenko je v tem kontekstu predsedniku Pahorju predstavil razmere na Vzhodu Ukrajine in implementacijo dogovora iz Minska. Predsednika sta se pogovarjala tudi o reformni agendi v Ukrajini, pri čemer je predsednik Pahor ponovil slovensko podporo evropski perspektivi Ukrajine. Govorila pa sta tudi o odnosih med Evropsko unijo in Rusko federacijo.

Predsednik Pahor in predsednik Porošenko sta ob današnjem srečanju sprejela tudi skupno izjavo v kateri sta obsodila teroristične napade v Franciji. 

Posebno pozornost sta sogovornika posvetila dvostranskim odnosom v luči skorajšnjega uradnega obiska predsednika Porošenka v Sloveniji, vključno z možnostmi za pospešitev gospodarskega sodelovanja. 

Po pogovorih sta predsednika podala tudi izjavo za javnost. Po skupni večerji si bosta predsednika skupaj ogledala nogometno tekmo med reprezentancama obeh držav.

Joint Statement of the President of Ukraine and the President of the Republic of Slovenia on the terrorist attacks in Paris
(L`viv, 14 November 2015)

We are deeply shocked and saddened with a series of the terrorist attacks, which took place in Paris last night. It proves that the war against international terrorism is still far from being over.

This outrageous strike in the heart of Paris has been aimed at not only killing hundreds of peaceful civilians and frightening millions of Europeans but also challenging the core European values and multiethnic peace.

Although the epicenter of the latest terrorist attack is now located in Paris, it echoes in every corner of the civilized world. In these difficult moments Ukraine and Slovenia mourn together with the French nation for terrible losses and express sincere solidarity with victims and their families.

We believe that the terrorist threat to international peace must be decisively and swiftly tackled by strong consolidated response of the global community. There should also be a clear-cut preventive message to those, who support or encourage in any way the terrorist organizations and activities. We call on the G20 leaders to agree upon inclusive set of measures to address the increasing security challenge. Ukraine and Slovenia are ready to join the global anti-terrorist response.

The United Nations should play a decisive role in this endeavor. In this regard, we reiterate a just call for adoption of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism and the setting up of the International Day of Commemoration of Memory of the Victims of Terrorist Acts.

The time is working against us. Any further delay or inefficient campaigns could cost us too much. Nobody is safe against terrorism. Now we as never before need global unity and consolidation in our struggle.

Joint Statement of the President of Ukraine and the President of the Republic of Slovenia on the terrorist attacks in Paris.pdf