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Predsednik republike z video nagovorom na dogodku na visoki ravni o biotski raznovrstnosti

New York, 20. 9. 2022 | sporočila za javnost, govori

Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor je ob robu splošne razprave 77. zasedanja Generalne skupščine Organizacije združenih narodov v New Yorku, danes 20. septembra 2022, z video nagovorom nastopil na dogodku na visoki ravni o biotski raznovrstnosti "Biodiversity High-Level Pledging Event "Countdown to CBD COP15: Landmark Leaders Event for a Nature Positive World".

Besedilo nagovora predsednika Republike Slovenije Boruta Pahorja:


The combined impact of pandemic, climate, energy and food crises, rising inequalities, armed conflicts and the fragmentation of rule-based order is felt in every corner of the globe. These trends represent a threat to peace and security.

The times we live in call for more cooperation, solidarity and effective multilateralism.

Slovenia is actively involved in addressing these challenges within the UN. The nexus environment – security is an important element of our candidature for the Security Council membership 2024/25.

Clean and healthy environment is a global public good. We warmly welcome the decision of the UN General Assembly to declare healthy environment a human right. Slovenia was in the core group tabling this resolution.

We initiated the UN declaration of the World Bee Day, and we actively participate in the international efforts to raise awareness on the essential role of pollinators for the well-being of people, food security and biodiversity.

In Slovenia, we have reach experiences achieving biodiversity objectives. Our country occupies less then half percent of the Earth's surface, at the same time it provides home to 1% of today’s known species. 40% of our territory is protected by Natura 2000.


Ahead of December’s landmark UN biodiversity conference (COP15), we call for a global biodiversity agreement that delivers a nature-positive world for all in this decade.

Our Security and prosperity depends on how we manage global goods. Let us commit ourselves to protect biodiversity, the most important safety net of our humanity.

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