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Predsednik Pahor je uradni del 27. konference Združenih narodov o podnebnih spremembah, COP27 začel s sodelovanjem na okrogli mizi na temo prehranske varnosti

Šarm El Šejk, Egipt, 7. 11. 2022 | sporočila za javnost, govori

Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor se v Šarm El Šejku v Egiptu udeležuje 27. konference Združenih narodov o podnebnih spremembah, COP27. Predsednik Pahor Slovenijo zastopa na zasedanju na visoki ravni (HLS – High Level Segment), ki se ga na povabilo države gostiteljice udeležujejo številni svetovni voditelji. Temeljni namen konference COP27 je spodbuditi pogodbenice, da potrdijo zaveze za zmanjševanje izpustov toplogrednih plinov in s tem omejevanje segrevanja ozračja na 1,5 stopinje Celzija, skladno s Pariškim sporazumom. Konferenca obravnava prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam in zaveze za dvig podnebnega financiranja, predvsem za najbolj ranljive države.

Predsednik Pahor je danes sodeloval na okrogli mizi na temo prehranske varnosti. V svojem nastopu je opozoril na povezanost prehranske varnosti z varovanjem okolja in biotske raznolikosti.

Predsednik Pahor bo popoldne nastopil na prvem delu »High-level segment of COP27«, kjer bo podal nacionalno izjavo.

Predsednik Pahor je uradni del 27. konference Združenih narodov o podnebnih spremembah, COP27 začel s sodelovanjem na okrogli mizi na temo prehranske varnosti
Foto: UPRS

Besedilo govora predsednika Pahorja v angleškem jeziku (Velja govorjena beseda!):

Food is a foundation for stability and peace.

Slovenia has tripled its contribution for food security since 2019.

Food security goes hand in hand with protection of environment.

We should do more to become more sustainable. Agriculture should not aggravate climate change.

In food production, we need both - more efficient measures to prevent further global warming, and better adaptation to already existing change of climate.

In this context, I was honoured to participate at the launch of the International year of millet 2023.

The draught and water crisis we face more and more often, demands diversification of diets and a focus on cereals that can grow in more demanding environments.

Protection of food production is much linked with conservation of the earth's biodiversity.

As a country of very rich biodiversity, it was Slovenia that initiated the campaign to proclaim 20 May World Bee Day, unanimously approved by the UN five years ago.

Our intention has been to raise awareness of the importance of bees and other pollinators for sustainable food systems.

We know we should and could do more: We should reduce our food waste and search for ways of going back to local, seasonal and traditional.

We cannot think about food security out of the context of climate change and vice-versa.

I thus warmly welcome the decision to put this issue on the agenda of COP27.

Thank you for your attention.