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Interview with the President of the Republic for Television Slovenia

Ljubljana, 12/31/2006  |  press release, interview

The transcription of the interview with the President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, by the news anchor and journalist Manica Janežič Ambrožič for Television Slovenia is published below.

Broadcast on 31 December 2006 at 7 p.m.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: Mr President, good evening. How would you describe the year that is now coming to an end?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: It has been a fairly good year. I believe that we have quite a successful year behind us. There were also some things that could have been better. It could have been better, but such is life.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: What was in your opinion the most outstanding event in Slovenia this year?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: It is difficult to name just one outstanding event. There have been several small events. I believe that small events tend to be more important than big ones, which attract all the attention. Life is made up of many small events and it is important that these details in our life are as good as possible, and that there are as many such details as possible, and that our life is as rich as possible. Big events come and go, and nothing much remains once they have passed.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: Allow me to ask you a little bit about the details – were you somewhat surprised by the reception you received in Ambrus just two days before Christmas?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: Unfortunately I was not surprised, because the intolerance was evident before, not only in Ambrus but elsewhere in Slovenia as well. This is one of the phenomena in 2006 that we cannot be pleased with and an issue to which we have to pay more attention. Slovenia simply cannot be a country where anybody would feel deprived, pushed to the side or where such a situation would be allowed or even wilfully put in place.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: Mr President, as we speak, we are now four hours away from the introduction of a new monetary unit in this country. Tell me, what are your feelings about the introduction of the euro?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: I have completely normal feelings about it. The change of money is more or less a technical issue. Instead of the tolar we will have the euro. I do not think we are emotionally attached to currency. This is only a technical tool and it is right that we have accepted the euro, since after all we are a part of a united, integrated Europe. Maybe we will be able to feel and experience it better in this way.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: What are your plans for the following year? Have you changed your mind? Will you perhaps nevertheless run again for the president of the country?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: I am not making plans for the following year or for the time afterwards. I already said that I find it difficult to imagine running again.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: But – are you thinking about it?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: No, I am not thinking about it. I don’t think about it at all.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: What will you do after the end of your mandate?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: This is an even more difficult question.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: But you are probably thinking about it.

Dr Janez Drnovšek: You see, we have the year 2007 in front of us, and only after that comes 2008. I think that many interesting things will happen in 2007, which may possibly change our lives and our plans. I do not see any point in making plans for the future, for what I will do in 2008 and later.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: What are your wishes for Slovenia, for the citizens of Slovenia in the following year?

Dr Janez Drnovšek: I wish that life will be kind to all Slovenian citizens, women and men. I wish that they will feel well in Slovenia, just as at home. This means that we live among people who trust each other, who help each other when necessary, who know how to help each other. I often say that if we help other people, we do something for ourselves as well, our life is richer. Of course there are also trying times ahead, not everything will go according to plan, but if we will be able to respond to the challenges with good will and have a positive attitude, we will be able to overcome the problems. We will go ahead and our life will be good in 2007 and in the years to come. We should not give in, not be in a bad mood, in despair. Rather, we should be cheerful, positive and go forward. To all citizens of Slovenia I wish in 2007 a lot of good will, a lot of kindness and a well-balanced life.

Manica Janežič Ambrožič: Mr President, thank you and all best wishes to you for the New Year.

Dr Janez Drnovšek: Thank you.
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