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Presentation of Letters of Accreditation by Azerbaijani Ambassador

Ljubljana, 09/29/2006  |  press release

Click to enlargeThe Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Fuad Ismayilov, today presented his letters of accreditation to the President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek.

In his discussion with the President of the Republic, the Ambassador said that the official visit by their President, Dr Ilham Aliyev, to Slovenia in August of this year had made a very positive impression on them and that they were convinced it would give new impetus to mutual relations in all areas. He continued by saying that our experience and knowledge was especially appreciated, in addition to the fact that Slovenia was a very successful country in transition. Ambassador Fuad Ismayilov also said that he would endeavour to arrange bilateral meetings at the highest level, including a visit by President Drnovšek to Azerbaijan.

The President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, agreed that the visit of President Aliyev had been very successful and that Azerbaijan, a rapidly growing and successful country, could act as a model in the region – in both economic and other areas. Slovenia is also very interested in strengthening relations in all areas and such planned meetings could certainly further this cause. Moreover, he also said that Slovenia continues to be willing to assist in resolving the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh region, subject to specific needs, since Slovenia supports the European neighbourhood policy intended to bring more stability and security to countries neighbouring the EU.

At the end of the discussion, Ambassador Faud Ismayilov thanked the President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, for the reception, while the President wished the Ambassador much success in his work.
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