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Brazilian Minister of Culture and world-famous musician Gilberto Gil meets President Drnovšek

Ljubljana, 07/08/2003  |  press release

Click to enlargeThe President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Janez Drnovšek, today received Gilberto Gil, the Brazilian Minister of Culture and an excellent musician, who tonight is holding a concert at the Open Air Theatre Križanke in Ljubljana.

Gilberto Gil thanked the President for receiving him, and briefly presented the reform projects of the Brazilian government, undertaken by the new Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in the last six months. He said that the President was investing considerable effort into improving the economic and social situation in the country, and underlined the prominent role Brazil has in the Latin American region. He added that Brazil was intensively linking up with other Portuguese speaking countries, with which it had numerous cultural and historical ties. He further mentioned that he was to meet the Brazilian President Lula the very next day in Portugal.

Click to enlargePresident Drnovšek extended his greetings to the Brazilian President and invited him to visit Slovenia. He agreed that the introduction of reforms in such an important and diverse country undoubtedly presented a great challenge, and wished the President and his entire team much success in the implementation.

Among other things, Brazil is very famous for its talented musicians and footballers, said Dr Drnovšek in the relaxed conversation. He asked Gilberto Gil how he managed to reconcile the very demanding functions both of a minister and a world-renowned musician. Mr Gil responded that he was very dedicated to his ministerial function. He was able to perform as a musician at weekends and during this holiday, when he was touring Europe. “This is my fourth visit to Slovenia and I always like to perform here,” he added, and said he would be very glad to be able at some time to welcome the Slovene President to Brazil.
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