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President of the Republic in the Asylum Home

Ljubljana, 12/27/2006  |  press release

Click to enlargePresident of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, today visited the Asylum Home in Ljubljana, where children put on a cultural performance for him. First they sang the song Sončkova rumena (Yellow as the Sun), then Srđana, Šida and Elma danced.

President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, was welcomed by Bojan Trnovšek, general director of the Internal Administrative Affairs Directorate at the Ministry of the Interior, Tonček Kopše, head of the Asylum Section, and Katarina Štrukelj, head of the Asylum Home. They informed him that there were currently 147 inhabitants in the Home, of which 129 were asylum seekers and 18 aliens. The majority come from the former Serbia and Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are 49 children in the Home, the youngest was born 19 days ago. Bojan Trnovšek said that they were satisfied with the participation of the NGOs in their day care programs. He added that this year 8 refugee statuses were granted.

At the end of the cultural performance President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, thanked for a warm welcome and wished happy holidays and a wonderful new year to everybody. The children could hardly wait to open the presents brought by the President.
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