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Reception for representatives of the Pan-European Movement

Ljubljana, 05/27/2006  |  speech

President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Janez Drnovšek received representatives of the Pan-European Movement at Brdo Castle by Kranj and told them:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased that you have visited us in Slovenia. We share a profound commitment to the European idea. I believe that today's Europe needs new energy for continuing its development and the process of integration. This is also our historical responsibility. The European idea is important, deriving as it does from exceptionally tragic events: wars and conflicts. We really must therefore do our job and ensure that this integration continues, is strengthened, that awareness of its irreversibility is created.

We have recently again been confronted with short term concepts, special partial interests, overstressed national interests, but we must overcome such tendencies and find new momentum for Europe. I believe that it is essential to adopt a European constitution, or European constitutional treaty in the near future. We cannot abandon this process because some countries' national politicians have been unable to explain to people what Europe is, and that its realisation is in everybody's interest. We cannot abandon the whole idea and merely accept that Europe is in crisis. We must find an exit from this situation and make sure that European integration continues, so that Europe can play a stronger role in the world in the next stage, the role that the world expects and deserves from Europe. I believe that we have a lot of good ideas in Europe, and that we should spread them through the world. We must, of course, first do our own job at home, and ensure that our common life also becomes a model for other nations.

Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you have a pleasant stay in Slovenia and am pleased to be able to meet you again, especially some old friends among you. I am delighted that you are here and wish you every success in your endeavours in your own countries, above all in advocating the European idea. Thank you."
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