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President of the Republic attends charity concert

Ljubljana, 01/06/2007  |  press release, speech

Click to enlargeThe President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Janez Drnovšek, accepted the invitation to attend a big charity concert "Zagorjani za Zagorjane" held today at the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Zagorje. The President was welcomed by the Mayor of Zagorje ob Savi, Matjaž Švagan, and the head of the project and representative of the Student Society Vox Humana, Mitja Adamlje. The concert featured performance by approximately two hundred and fifty singers and musicians. The money raised will be helping poor families and disadvantaged individuals.

The concert audience was addressed by the Archbishop of Ljubljana and Slovenian Metropolitan, MSc Alojz Uran, and the President of the Republic, Dr. Janez Drnovšek. In his address, the Archbishop said that the performers and the concert audience all joined in with Christmas and New Year's feelings and expressed his wish that the coming year would unite everyone in their endeavour to do good.

The event was concluded by Dr. Drnovšek addressing the audience:
Click to enlarge"Dear people of Zagorje, dear guests. I agree with the Archbishop that this is a beautiful evening. We have gathered here to be part of a generous event. The charity concert, here in Zagorje, in this charming church, accompanied by numerous singers and musicians, is indeed a generous and noble act. I am truly glad that you students have chosen to take such an action and that you have felt the need to do something good for other people. There is a say that those who do something good to others also do something good to themselves. I believe that we all share such an experience. Helping others makes us feel all the more fulfilled, happy and trusting that we have done something right. I might even say that the decision taken by a man to stop caring only about him and his benefits and to go beyond his mere selfishness is the most important step a man makes in his life. Some people may never succeed in doing so. They spend their whole life satisfying selfish whims, seeing only themselves, working only for themselves with no concern about people who are suffering around them. These people have never experienced a fulfilment and pleasure that a man feels when helping others. Despite the material assets accumulated, they will never attain inner peace or satisfaction.

It makes me happy to find out that there have been more and more charity initiatives undertaken in Slovenia. The last year Darfur action was an important action. Many Slovenian citizens took part in it. It is true that the funds raised for this purpose did not solve the issue of Darfur or save a large number of people suffering there. However, I trust that we did save several hundreds of lives. Given thousands or millions of refugees in Darfur, this does not seem much. On the other hand, saving several hundreds of lives, among them also children, is in fact a great accomplishment. Eventually, each charity action has an effect of considerable importance. And sometimes even a small gesture makes a difference.

Also in Slovenia, there are people who are in need and live on the edge. If we want to see them, they are all around us and your action here in Zagorje, entitled "Zagorjani za Zagorjane", is addressed particularly to them. Hence, you will help those people among you, who are in distress, who are not doing well, who need help. At times, we may all find ourselves in a situation where we need assistance. One can never tell what future holds. And that's why it is very important to be surrounded by people who feel with us, who are willing to help. I am glad that Zagorje has many such people and I wish it to remain so in the future. This makes us better people. And by becoming better people, better citizens, the state is becoming better as well. It is the only way for the state to become truly good, full of good people, who are willing to help others, who are not selfish and who wish and are able to surpass themselves and overcome their narrow views.

I wish you all joyful and fulfilling moments in the year to come. Difficulties will always emerge, always, but such is life; the important thing is that you confront them with good humour and do not let them drive you to despair and hopelessness; and you should never be in doubt that a solution exists. If you are positive, it will be found at the end. Come what may, good people will be there to help you. Thank you.”
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