Letter of the UN Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan to President of the Republic of Slovenia
Ljubljana, 01/04/2006 | press release
President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr Janez Drnovšek received a letter from UN Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan concerning the President's proposed plan for a political solution for Kosovo. In his letter UN Secretary-General Annan wrote:
"I welcome your support as we enter into the next phase of the political process for Kosovo. With the appointment on 10 November 2005 of Mr. Martti Ahtisaari as my Special Envoy for the future status process for Kosovo, we are firmly on the path towards addressing this matter.
Reaching a settlement on Kosovo will be a true milestone for the Balkans. We, however, remain mindful that such a milestone is perhaps not a panacea for all the issues remaining in the region. My Special Envoy will be, thus, consulting closely with all key actors to address the regional issues at hand.
I firmly believe that our time horizon should not end with a determination of Kosovo's future status. I also support an open and frank dialogue through which concerns, valuable contributions and creative approaches can feed into the process led by Mr. Ahtisaari. This should enable us to reach our common goal of a sustainable and stable solution. I have, therefore, shared your letters with him, and look forward to continuing an exchange on this important issue."
Office of the President of the Republic
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