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President Drnovšek decorated US Senator Tom Harkin

Ljubljana, 08/29/2005  |  press release

Click to enlargeThe President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, today conferred the Golden Order for Services in the diplomatic and international field on US Senator, Mr Tom Harkin, in recognition of his service and acts for the benefit of the Republic of Slovenia in its international affirmation and integration, and for his contribution to the strengthening of Slovene-American friendship.

Click to enlargeIn his address after the ceremony, Dr Drnovšek said: " It is my pleasure to confer this decoration on Mr Tom Harkin, a man whom we know well, who has supported us as a senator and distinguished US politician. We Slovenes are not as numerous as the Polish or other nations that have had strong diasporas throughout the world, especially in the USA. It is a known fact that the nationals of a country, living abroad, are often the most ardent supporters of their home country. We have a number of very distinguished representatives of the Slovene community in the world, particularly those who have been active and successful in the USA, and their support during the critical time of Slovenia’s independence was very important to us.

Click to enlargeTom Harkin is of Slovene descent, as his mother was Slovene. I am pleased that we are meeting with Mr Harkin, the senator, and Mr Harkin, a man of Slovene descent, a man who understands us well. This is why I am particularly pleased to have conferred this decoration on him in recognition of his efforts for Slovenia's independence, our international recognition and establishment in the international community, and in particular our membership in NATO. On this occasion I should also like to extend my greetings to Mr Harkin’s relatives and friends who have gathered here today. I hope that Mr Harkin will come to Slovenia many more times and have a pleasant stay here with us."

Click to enlargeMr Harkin thanked Dr Drnovšek, saying that he was receiving the decoration with a mixture of pride and humility. He praised Slovenia for the progress it has made, the solid democracy it has established and the most successful economy in Central and Eastern Europe it has built over a period of fourteen years. He praised Slovenia for joining the EU and NATO and for being a force of stability and supporter of democratic reform in the Balkans. Mr Harkin went on to add that the success of the independent Slovenia was no coincidence: it was ensured by visionary leaders and a resolute nation. Senator Harkin also expressed his gratitude for the exceptional and leading role of Slovenia in landmine clearance and providing assistance to mine victims, especially children. He said he would continue his endeavours to provide funds for the continuation of the important work carried out by the International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance.
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