Office of the President of the Republic > Press centre
President of the Republic visited the Emergency Health Care Unit on New Year’s Eve
Ljubljana, 12/31/2006 | press release
President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, visited tonight the Emergency Health Care Unit of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, where he was received by the supervising traumatologist on duty, head physician, Dr Slobodan Macura, MSc., and the head nurse of the Emergency Health Care Unit Stanka Košir with other staff members on duty.
The President was told by Dr Macura and Ms Košir that during the holiday period there are three units taking care of an increased number of patients and injured persons: the Emergency Health Care Unit, the Emergency Unit of the Internal Medicine Department and the Emergency Unit of the General Medicine Department. “There are more emergency admissions”, they said, and added that the majority of injuries are caused by fire crackers.
The staff sincerely thanked the President for his visit and several times emphasized that they do not recall having such a high level visit on New Year’s Eve. “We are surprised and happy to have the President visit us. This is recognition of the work done by all those who 24 hours a day, every day of the year, provide health care services to the sick, the injured and all those in life threatening condition. Each and every hour we are facing unexpected and unforeseen events”, said Ms Košir.
President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek, explained that he decided to visit them on the New Year’s Eve because he wanted to wish happy holidays to those who care for others. “I wish you a happy new year and a healthy one, so that you will have less work”, he said.