Coat of arms Office of the President of the Republic > Press centre

Christmas felicitations from the President of the Republic

Ljubljana, 12/24/2006  |  press release

Bellow is the Christmas felicitations from the President of the Republic, Dr Janez Drnovšek:

“On Christmas Eve, I wish all Christians peace and contentedness. My special congratulations go to the Ljubljana Metropolite Alojzij Uran and the Maribor Archbishop Dr Franc Kramberger, as well as all other Slovenian Bishops. May my Christmas greetings also reach all Slovenian Catholic priests, sisters and brothers in convents and monasteries, and especially all Slovenian missionaries who help the unhappy people in various parts of the world.

I also congratulate the Protestant female and male priests, the Bishop of Evangelist Church, Dr Geza Erniša, and all the members of Christian groups who celebrate Christmas Eve tonight.

Celebrating Christmas transcends formal religious affiliations as it became of importance to all humanity. Therefore I wish us all to unite this evening, and in the coming days, in good thought and deed. Let the peace and goodness of Christmas win over all the evil of this world.”