Public appearances

Joint press conference of Pesidents Stipe Mesic, Vaclav Havel, Milo Djukanovic and Milan Kucan

Dubrovnik (Croatia), 11 July 2000

Milan KUCAN:
Slovenia also demanded the right to self-determination for itself, verified by the plebiscite. It therefore cannot deny any other nation the right to decide on its future by implementing the same, internationally recognised right of a nation to self-determination. Slovenia insists on the position that self-determination is the right of any nation, provided this right does not intrude on the equal right of another nation.

President Djukanovic explained that Montenegro has no time to lose, to lose perspective, and, if forced to do so, it will seek a perspective outside the current framework of the FRY in a democratic manner. I also agree with President Havel that such a decision would in no way constitute a provocation. It would constitute the enforcement of a right that must be respected – it is a right that every nation has.

From the aspect of Slovenia's experience, the question is whether there is enough unity within the Montenegrin people concerning Montenegro's independence. Such unity can only be verified by way of a referendum.

Finally, one also needs to ask the question whose interests a federal republic would serve if not the interest of both nations, and also whose interest the common army would intervene in, if not in the interest of both nations living in this country which share the same army.


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