Public appearances

Statement by the President of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Milan Kucan for Slovene Radio and TV

Ljubljana, 11 December 1999

The late President Tudjman is undeniably one of those people whose life and work left a critical mark on recent developments in Southeastern Europe, particularly in the former Yugoslav territory. He was a strong political personality and statesman who influenced the processes of disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, the processes following the break-up and, in particular, the process of emergence and coming into existence of an independent and sovereign Croatian state. History will be the judge of his action, but the fact remains that he invested all his strength into the making of the Croatian state and that until the very end he followed the goals he had set with full commitment.

His departure marks the end of a decade, a period of emergence, legal constitution, functioning and international recognition of the Croatian state. A state which, to a large extent, he shaped according to his own concept. Croatia's new leaders will now take on this legacy, as well as the challenges of the new period. I stand convinced that this period will be able to accommodate the strengthening of good relations between Slovenia and Croatia, as well as new initiatives contributing to the Europeanisation of Southeastern Europe as a whole.

Co-operation between President Tudjman and myself was good, very intensive in 1990, 91 and 92, that is in the period of preparing for independence of both countries, during the very process, and then in the difficult endeavours for international recognition of the two countries, at peace conferences on Yugoslavia, as well as at the Brioni conference. That is when very solid foundations for good and friendly relations between the two states were laid. I believe that we will be able to build a new chapter on these foundations, resolving even those problems which we were unable to resolve to date. I firmly believe that the people of Slovenia and the people of Croatia deserve for these relations to improve.


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